Requirements to the Articles


1. General Provisions

1.1. The current requirements are developed with due regard to the criteria of the Supreme Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science for the addition of scientific publications into the List of the Major Peer-Reviewed Journals and Periodicals where main scientific results of dissertations of Doctors of Sciences and Candidates of Sciences are to be published, the Scopus bibliographic database and the Russian Title List and are obligatory for all the authors without exception.

1.2. Each author who has submitted his/her article for publication to the Editorial Board of the Applied Legal Psychology Journal (hereinafter the Editorial Board and the Journal respectively), thereby expresses his/her consent to have his/her surname, first name, patronymic, scientific degree and rank, job, place of employment and contact details (e-mail), his/her article name, abstract, key words and references in Russian or English published on any web site chosen by the Editorial Board in the public domain. The author is responsible for the correctness and trustworthiness of his/her personal data, correctness of their translation into English.

1.3. All the articles submitted to the Editorial Board are subject to obligatory reviewing and are not returned to authors. The author fee is not paid off. In case of the resolution not to publish the article the Editorial Board sends a substantiated refusal to the author.

1.4. The Editorial Board contacts the author exclusively by the e-mail address provided by the author. The Editorial Board holds no responsibility for a wrong e-mail address given by the author and takes no further steps to contact the author. If the Author doesn’t respond to the requests of the Editorial Board more than one month, his/her article is not accepted to publication.

1.5. The fee for publication of the articles in the Journal is not charged.

1.6. Articles submitted to the Editorial Board that do not conform with the present requirements are not accepted to publication and are not returned to the authors for improvement.

2. The order of the Article Submission

2.1. Articles are accepted by e-mail:

2.2. The e-file of the article submitted to the Editorial Board is to have the name of the author (authors), for example: ‘Petrov.doc’, ‘Petrov, Ivanov.doc’; graphic files attached to the article are to have the name of the author (authors) with the number of the picture, for example: ‘Petrov. Pic 1.jpg’, ‘Petrov, Ivanov. Pic 1.jpg’.

2.3. Articles of graduate service members and postgraduates are to be approved by their scientific advisors. A positive review by a scientific advisor (submitted as a hard copy or as an e-file) or his/her signature at the end of the article with the ‘Approved’ note may be counted as approval.

3. Requirements to the Text Layout

3.1. The text of the article is to be typed in Microsoft Word in the formats .doc, .docx, on the A4 sheet with the Times New Roman (Cyr) font, 14-point type, 1.25 cm indentation, at one-and-a-half space with margins: the top and the bottom ones are 2 cm each, the left one is 3 cm, the right one is 1.5 cm.

3.2. The article can’t exceed 10 pages discounting the surname, given name, patronymic, scientific degree and rank, job, place of employment and contact details (e-mail) of the author; the name, abstract, key words, references including those translated in English.

3.3 Graphics, schemes, photos, pictures, diagrams, tables and other graphic materials are to be found in the text body as well as provided as separate files in the .jpg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

3.4. The text of the article is to be paginated. Folios are to be put in the top middle of the page. The first page doesn’t have a folio.

3.5. In the text body the surname and the initials are to be spaced; the guillemet quotation marks are obligatory; compulsory (manual) hyphenation is forbidden.

3.6. The use of the Space or Tab keys to format paragraphs is forbidden. The indentation is to be set in the menu Format → Paragraph → First line (Indentation: 1.25 mm), width line justification.

4. Requirements to the Article Structure

4.1. The article structure is to contain the following parts:

4.1.1. Part 1 in the Russian language: UDC (you can find it on; the name of the article; surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors); scientific degree and rank of the author (authors), if one has them; the job of the author (authors); the place of employment of the author (authors); the contact details (e-mail) of the author (authors); annotation (author’s abstract); key words of the article.

4.1.2. Part 2 in the Russian language is the full text of the article.

4.1.3. Part 3 in the Russian language: references to the literature.

4.1.4. Part 4 in the English language: the name of the article; the surname, initials of the author (authors) if one has them; the job of the author (authors); the place of employment of the author (authors); the contact details (e-mail) of the author (authors); annotation (author’s abstract); key words of the article.

4.1.5. part 5 in the English language: references to the literature.

5. Requirements to Part 1 of the Article Structure

5.1. Information of part 1 is given in the Russian language.

5.2. The name of the article is to be informational.

5.3. The name of the article can’t have abbreviations, including the generally accepted ones.

5.4. The surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and rank, the job of the author are written fully without abbreviations, including the generally accepted ones.

5.5 The position in the primary place of employment of the author is stated.

5.6. The place of employment of the author is stated according to the institution profile provided by the Russian Title List index citation system. If the institution doesn’t have such a profile the author may choose to give a full or a shortened name of his/her place of employment according to its statute.

5.7. The author is to give the contact details (e-mail) that will let anyone contact him/her.

5.8. If the article has several authors they may choose to give either a single e-mail address of all the authors or an e-mail address of each author.

5.9. Preparing an abstract to the article the author is to follow the GOST 7.9-95  «Referat i annotatsii. Obshchie trebovaniia» (The All-Union State Standard 7.9-95 “Abstract and annotation. General requirements”).

5.10. The abstract is to carry the following functions: to communicate the main content of the article and thereby to show its significance and to give a reader sufficient information to decide whether to read the full text or not; if the article is not of interest to a reader, he or she should know it in advance.

5.11. The abstract is to briefly and accurately relate the content of the article, including major factual data and the conclusions of the given paper.

5.12. The abstract is to be concise and succinct, free from secondary information, have convincing wording.

5.13. The abstract can’t exceed 250 words. The length of the abstract is determined by the content of the article (amount of information, its scientific value and practical importance).

5.14. The abstract includes the following aspects of the article: the subject, theme and goal of the paper (they are stated if are not clear from the name of the article); the method or methodology of the paper research (if they feature novelty or are relevant to the current work; in the article abstracts describing experimental research the sources and their processing character are stated); the paper results (they are to be written as accurately and factually as possible; the major theoretic and experimental results, factual data, revealed correlations and regularities are cited; it is preferable to cite new results and data that have long-term importance, important discoveries, conclusions that disprove the current theories and the data that according to the author can have a practical importance); the field of results application; conclusions (they can be accompanied by recommendations, estimates, suggestions, hypotheses exposed in the article).

5.15. The author can’t change the sequence of the article information in the abstract and start with the results of the paper and its conclusions.

5.16. The information in the article name can’t be repeated in the abstract body. One should avoid abundant parentheses (e.g. «the author of the article considers…»). Historical notes if they are not the main content of the article, the description of the earlier published papers and well-known propositions are not given in the abstract.

5.17. In the abstract:
One should use syntactic constructions, proper to the language of scientific and technical documents, avoid complex grammar constructions (that are not used in the scientific English language); abbreviations and reference designations, except for the generally accepted ones, are used only in extraordinary cases or are explained at the first citing; physical quantity units are to be given in the SI system; it is allowed to give in the brackets the value of a quantity in the units used in the article next to the SI units; tables, formulae, drawings, pictures, schemes, diagrams are included only when necessary if they stress the main idea of the article and allow to decrease the abstract size; formulae, cited several times, can be numbered. This numeration may be different from the one in the original text. References to a publication by its number in the References section of the article are not allowed in the Abstract.)

5.18. There can’t be fewer than 10 key words. They are to be meaningful and guarantee efficient search of the article in any database.

6. Requirements to Part 2 of the Article Structure

6.1. The information of Part 2 is given in the Russian language.

6.2. The author is to relate the article text in a consistent and coherent way in line with the content of the article, taking into consideration the results of his/her own research and taking the data from other sources in order to provide a deeper analysis of the issues under consideration.

6.3. The author is responsible for the quality of the materials, accuracy of quotations and accuracy of references to them.

6.4. The Journal uses endnotes for references, putting the number of the source and the page in square brackets according to the GOST R 7/0/5-2008 «Bibliograficheskaia ssylka. Obshchie trebovania i pravila sostavlenia» (The All-Union State Standard R 7/0/5-2008 “Citation. General requirements and rules of compiling”). It is not recommended to use more than 10 references.

6.5. References to the literary sources in the article text are given in square brackets with a source number from the list after the article: the first number is the source number, the second one is the page number (if necessary), for example: [1, p. 21]. If the source has several volumes, the volume or the part is cited, for example: [4, v. 1, p. 5], [12, part 2, p. 75).

7. Requirements to Part 3 of the Article Structure

7.1. The information of Part 3 (references to literary sources) is given in the Russian language.

7.2. References to literary sources are given in compliance with the GOST R 7.0.5.-2008 «Bibliograficheskaia ssylka. Obshchie trebovania i pravila sostavlenia» (The All-Union State Standard. “Citation. General requirements and rules of compiling”)

7.3. The name of the list of references to the literary sources is References.

7.4. The references can’t contain fewer than 15 sources. The author should keep in mind that not less than 30% of sources are to be papers, published in the past 5-10 years, first of all in the publications, included in the international index citation system of the Russian Title List; not less than 30% of sources are to be papers published in the Applied Legal Psychology Journal since 2007. The references are recommended to include papers published in English in journals that are included in Scopus, Web of Science and other international title lists.

8. Requirements to Part 4 of the Article Structure.

8.1. The information of Part 4 is a translation of the Part 1 information into English according to the rules, laid down in paragraphs 8.2 – 8.7 of the present requirements.  

8.2. The author(s)’s surname and initials are given according to one of the accepted international transliteration systems. The most popular transliteration systems are given in the following table:


8.3. It is allowed to use various Russian-to-Latin transliteration applications which apply the systems described in paragraph 8.2. of the present requirements, e.g. here

8.4. Authors should stick to a single method of the transliteration of their surname and initials and use only one place of employment as the information about the organization affiliation is one of the defining features of the author identification.

8.5. The author’s place of employment is given according to the Scopus profile of the organization. In case of absence of such profile the official English name under the Statute of the organization where the author works is provided.

8.6. Translating the academic degree, rank, position; the name, abstract, key words of the article into English one should use terms typical of foreign special texts. It is important to avoid abbreviations except the generally accepted ones (including those used in English special texts), loan translations from Russian, untranslatable slang known only to Russian-speaking experts.

8.7. In the translation of the academic degree, rank, position; the name, abstract, key words of the article into English there can’t be any transliterations from Russian except for untranslatable proper names and names of devices and other objects that have their proper names.

9. Requirements to Part 5 of the Article Structure

9.1. The information of Part 5 is a translation of the Part 3 information (references to the literary sources) into English according to the rules, laid down in paragraphs 9.2-9.6 of the present requirements.

9.2. The name of the references list is to be “References”

9.3. The structure of the citation is to be the following: the authors (transliteration), the name of the article in a transliterated form [the translation of the article name into English is in square brackets], the name of the Russian source (transliteration) [the translation of the source name into English, paraphrase], the imprint with designations in English.

9.4. Translating references into English it is recommended to use the transliteration system of the Library of Congress (LC).

9.5. While making references it is necessary to keep in mind the following: presenting only transliterated text (without a translation) is unacceptable; describing publications prepared by a group of authors (collected articles, monographs etc.) it is allowed to provide one or two authors of the publication at most; for unpublished sources one can provide the shortest name with the indication “Unpublished” if it has authorship (for the record of the author’s references), or “Unpublished Source” or “Unpublished Report” if the authorship is unknown; as Russian sources are difficult to identify for foreign experts it is recommended to italicize the original name in the description as in most foreign standards; it is not advisable to make arbitrary abbreviations of the source names in references; all the major imprint data (in the description of a journal: volume, issue, page; in the description of a book: city of publication, publishing house, except for an untranslatable name of the publishing house which is transliterated) must be translated into English; in the description of Russian manuals, tutorials the type of the publication can be omitted. This information in references is redundant in this case; in the imprint of publications (articles, books) it is necessary to give the number of pages of the publication in the references: the diapason of pages in the publication is introduced by “pp.”; the number of pages of the whole publication is followed by “p.”;
The translation of the article or source name is taken into square brackets; if the book is described fully in the References, the complete number of its pages is to be provided regardless of which pages are cited in the text. The cases where individual chapters of the book are cited can be an exception; here one gives the description of the chapter with the number of pages.

9.6. Examples of translation of references into English.

Journal Article

Абакумова И.В., Ермаков П.Н. О становлении толерантности личности в поликультурном образовании // Вопросы психологии. 2003. № 3. С. 72–82.

Abakumova I.V., Ermakov P.N. O stanovlenii tolerantnosti lichnosti v polikul’turnom obrazovanii [On the issue of the person’s tolerance formation in polycultural education]. Voprosy Psychologii – Approaches to Psychology, 2003, no. 3, pp. 78–82.

E-Journal Article

Яхъяев М.Я. Религиозно-политический экстермизм на Северном Кавказе: проблемы предупреждения. URL: (дата обращения: 16.03.2013).

Yakhyayev M.Ya. Religious and political extremism in the North Caucasus: prevention problems. Available at: (Accessed 16 March 2013).

Conference Proceedings

Горбатюк В.Ф. Хаос, эмерджентность и феномены самоорганизации-самообучения // Состояние и перспективы развития высшего образования в современном мире: материалы док. Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Сочи,
12–13 сент. 2012 г.) / под ред. Г.А. Берулавы. Сочи: Изд-во Междунар. инновационного ун-та, 2012. С. 156–160.

Gorbatyuk V.F. Haos, jemerdzhentnost' i fenomeny samoorganizacii-samoobuchenija [Chaos, emergence and the phenomena of self-organization and self-education]. Materialy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj  konferencii “Sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija vysshego obrazovanija v sovremennom mire” [Proc. the International  Scientific Conference “The state and prospects of higher education in the modern world”]. Sochi, International Innovative  University Publ., 12–13 September, 2012, pp. 156–160.

Book (Monograph, Collected Articles)

Михайлова О.Ю., Целиковский С.Б. Сексуальная агрессия: норма и социальная патология. М.: Кредо, 2008. 200 с.

Mikhaylova O.Yu., Tselikovsky S.B. Seksual'naia agressiia: norma i sotsial'naia patologiia [Sexual aggression: norm and social pathology]. Moscow, Kredo Publ., 2008. 200 p.

Абакумова И.В. Смыслодидактика: учебник. М.: Кредо, 2008. 386 с. Abakumova I.V. Smyslodidaktika [Sense didactics]. Moscow, Kredo Publ., 2008. 386 p.

Асмолов А.Г. Толерантность: от утопии к реальности // На пути к толерантному сознанию. М.: Смысл, 2000. С. 4–7.

Asmolov A.G. Tolerantnost’: ot utopii k real’nosti. Na puti k tolerantnomu soznaniyu [Tolerance: from utopia to reality. On a way to tolerant consciousness]. Moscow, Smysl Publ., 2000, pp. 4–7.

Мясищев В.Н. Структура личности и отношения человека к действительности // Психология личности. Тексты / под ред. Ю.Б. Гиппенрейтер, А.А. Пузырея. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1982. С. 35–38.

Myasishchev V.N. Struktura lichnosti i otnosheniye cheloveka  k deystvitel’nosti [The personality structure and the person’s attitude to reality]. Moscow, MSU Publ., 1982. pp. 35–38.

Dissertation, Dissertation Abstract

Абакумова И.В. Личностный смысл как педагогический фактор и его использование в учебном процессе: дис. … канд. пед. наук. Ростов-н/Д, 1989. 250 с.

Abakumova I.V. Lichnostnyy smysl kak pedagogicheskiy faktor i yego ispol’zovaniye v uchebnom protsesse. Diss. dokt. ped. nauk [Personal sense as a pedagogical factor and its using in the educational process. Dr. ped. sci. diss]. Rostov-on-Don, 1989. 250 p.

Statutory Documents

Об уголовной ответственности за государственные преступления: Закон СССР от 25 декабря 1958 г. URL: (дата обращения: 03.04.2013).

Zakon SSSR «Ob ugolovnoi otvetstvennosti za gosudarstvennye prestupleniia» ot 25.12.1958 [The law of USSR “On criminal responsibility for state crimes” from 25 December, 1958]. Available at: (Accessed 3 April 2013).

О следственном комитете Российской Федерации» (с изменениями и дополнениями): Федер. закон от 28 декабря 2010 г. № 403-Ф3 // Закон и порядок. 2012. № 2. С. 5–7.

Federal'nyi zakon ot 28 dekabria 2010 g. № 403-F3 «O sledstvennom komitete Rossiiskoi federatsii» (s izmeneniiami i dopolneniiami) [The federal law from December, 28th, 2010, № 403-FL “On the committee of inquiry of the Russian  Federation” (with changes and additions). Zakon i poriadok – Law and Order, 2012, no 2, pp. 5–7.

The author submits to :
-    The manuscript in the Word format (the name of the author is given to the file with the indication of the number of signs with spaces, for example: “Ivanova 15000”); including all the necessary Parts 1-5 (see as above);
-    A copy of receipt of mail or editorial subscription for the current 6 months (the name of the author is given to the file with the remark “Podpiska”, for example: “Ivanova Podpiska”).