Table of contents and abstracts № 4 for 2021

Methodology and theory of legal psychology

  • The relationship between the levels of communicative tolerance and group cohesion as a factor in the formation of a team in the training squads of cadets of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. (I. V. Khamidova, I. V. Lavrent’eva, G. V. Shcherbakov) 6
  • The potential of virtual reality in clinical and forensic psychiatry. Experience of the Federal Republic of Germany. (O. B. Shreder) 11

Applied and experimental researches

  • Study of interpersonal relations of convicts – former law enforcement officers. (E. E. Gavrina, T. P. Skripkina) 20
  • Psychological characteristics of the convicts’ personality affecting adaptation to the conditions of serving a sentence. (B. V. Aleksandrov, N. N. Tavtilova, T. P. Skripkina) 27
  • Application of the psychodynamic approach for the diagnosis of personality states and behavior of neurological patients in the space of subjective parameters of the disease perception (on a sample of police officers). (G. V. Molostvova) 35
  • The algorithm of the psychologist’s work to determine the degree of the convicted person correction. (E. V. Ovcharova) 46
  • Psychology of tolerance / intolerance to uncertainty (by the example of heads of territorial bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation). (O. A. Burtsev, L. A. Ermakova, E. V. Tkach) 53
  • An empirical study of the impact of the socio-psychological situation in a correctional institution on the psychological safety of employees of the penal system. (G. I. Aksenova, P. Yu. Aksenova, E. G. Ivakhno) 60
  • Formation of a professional position of a cadet-lawyer of a departmental university. (M. A. Sen’ko, K. B. Malyshev) 74
  • Study of the peculiarities of adaptation and manifestation of empathic abilities of employees of the Russian penal system. (D. P. Borisova) 82


  • Gestalt practices in psychocorrective work with juvenile convicts suffering from drug addiction. (G. K. Korneeva) 92
  • Depressive and aggressive states of young people and their psychological correction using methods of existential analysis. (M. V. Pugatskiy, N. M. Romanova) 97

Psychology of social phenomena and life quality

  • Integral personal determinants that influence the development of leadership qualities of cadets of educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. (N. M. Martynova) 107

Assistance to administrators

  • The role of subjects of educational influence in the prevention of conflicts among juvenile suspects, accused and convicts. (S. A. Gorkina) 114

Scientific life

  • Modern penitentiary practice: educational, social and psychological work. (A. A. Romanov) 122
  • Review of the monograph «Psychodynamics of gender characteristics of personality disorders and psychopathic behavior in a criminal environment». (M. I. Kuznetsov) 125


  • Dmitriy Vladislavovich Sochivko (August 15, 1959 – October 8, 2021). (T. A. Simakova) 128

Table of contents and abstracts 132

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